The committee is pleased to announce the call for post presentations for The Omics in the Ocean—The 10th International Symposium for Marine Biology and Biotechnology &The 7th Taiwan Society of Marine Biotechnology Academic Symposium and now invite you to submit poster abstract. Please proceed to prepare your presentation following the guidelines outlined below.
Poster Format
The poster space should be 150 cm × 90 cm (height × width, maximum).
The poster content should be prepared in English.
The presenters are requested to submit poster(s) abstract before Sep 10, 2024.
Poster Award
First: NT$ 3000 with special prize
Second: NT$ 2000 with special prize
Third: NT$ 1000 with special prize
*Note the "membership of Taiwan Marine Biotechnology Society" is required to participate in the post competition.
*You can also choose to only post the poster and not participate in the competition